WARNING-it's worth the risk-WARNING


Changing Directions

I had all the intentions of following through with a dedicated blog, but like one of my favorite quotes, "The greatest enemy of our soul is not destruction, it is distraction."And so my distractions have kept me from developing this blog beyond it's three entrees.

Being that it may, I also have a new twist to the direction I would like this blog to go.

Basically, I want the photos or "observations" to be open to all people of Hawaiis. I've been working on more and more collaborative projects and although my two lenses have an interesting outlook on it's own, I believe the collective vision is what makes each place a unique and special community.

That said, please forward any photos worth mentioning in your opinion to my email. Doesn't matter the dimensions or quality as long as it's observations of people. I believe relationships are at the core of humanity and hope to express both internal and external observations through these photos. Again please share. I will then process each photo and add them to the blog.
