WARNING-it's worth the risk-WARNING


On a mission to...

Kim, Kirye (1942)
27 May 2010, 2:45am
Jazz Minds, Kapiolani Blvd.

Since 1977 I’ve established my faith in god and have been a missionary for over 30 years.
Many many years ago I met a missionary by the name of Suk Sun, who was an amazing teacher of the faith and an even better example to follow. Ever since, my heart has been going out to those impoverished all over the world. 
My missionary work involves building organic farms to help sustain the poor and hungry in a healthy and edifying way for the glory of god.
I feel our communities have become so saturated in superficial and selfish desires that we’ve forgotten what it means to help each other; especially those in need.
I left behind my previous life and dedicate all of my energy and time while nameless and w/out credit for the betterment of those in need. I’ve traveled all over the world including China, Russia, Japan, and Korea.
In support of my missionary work I walk around town with a basket selling flowers, dolls, and asian snacks late through the night. Although I realize it can be dangerous, my faith allows me to work without fear.
"My story is deep as it is long -- and it is not over. "


Intent, The HOP Hawaii

Being that this is my FIRST post, I had to overcome several fears driven by OCD tendencies. For example, I have no idea how the format of my stories or pictures will develop over time, but I'm finally ok with that.

I've come to realize over the years that the moments of my most peaceful existence have been when I'm free from the worries of tomorrow.

So moving on.

Much like life, this blog will develop, change, and grow over time. The intent will remain the same for as long as I keep the integrity of this blog: photos followed by stories of real people in Hawaii both local and foreign.

The foundation or rather, the reason I am starting this blog is to share through my observations what a tourist may not see in a brochure, or a mainland transplant might not experience due to ignorance(culture shock), or even to locals who have chosen not to venture outside of what they know already(comfort zone).

I've chosen to tell raw stories of real people. I want this blog to be a place where you can come and gain insight on the strangers we pass by everyday. Some of them you will never meet but some you see everyday, yet you never had to desire or courage to speak to them- to listen to them. I will be that vessel.

So far, to me, Hawaii is the sum of it's diverse people and stories. My hope is to RE-connect people through the many faces and unique stories I will take photos of and write about. And through those connections, I hope to reveal some answers.

Answers to questions not yet asked. But maybe, just maybe, I'll understand just a little more of what Hawai'i is really all about. Both good and bad, better or for worse, I will share the stories of Hawaii's people. And it goes a little something like this...(next post)